Saturday, July 11, 2009

Cote d Azur

Bonjour and hello from Antibes`! This is our third dqy in the south of france and I think we are in love! We had a wonderful few days hiking in the cinque terre and eating gelato twice a day. Things are going well here. We spent yesterday in Nice and today will be a beach day in the morning and tonight we are going to Monaco. Tomorrow we reserved a spot on a boat trip to St. Tropez. I am keeping up my Grecian tan and Linds is building her tan. We can`t believe we only have a few days left. Paris on Monday and then home on Friday. Definately loving a slower paced few days here in the Riviera. It`s a nive break from the crazy tour schedule we have had!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Alpine Air

Hello from Interlacken, Switzerland! Lindsay and I just got back from a day spent in the Lauderbrunnen Valley in the Swiss Alps! The mountains are absolutely georgeous. The past few days were spend finishing up Germany in Rothenburg, the cutest little medieval village ever, and Reutte. We got to see "mad" king ludwigs castles (which were the ones that disney based their castle off of). irt was incredible and so beautifully decorated and designed. The weather was also beautiful. We also got in a great 3 h ourhike in the austrailian Alps, which were the most beauti^ful mountains i have ever seen (until i got to switzerland yesterday). Last night we were tired froma lioong day on the train but we found Balmers hostel in interlacken which was like being back at a college frat party. it was canada day so we got to have some fun celebrating their independence day. Switzerland is wonderful, but we were a little shocked at how expensive it is here. We hit up the local co-op today and will be making our own dinner tonight. The next 2 days here we will hike around the mountains and take in the fresh alpine air. Then on July 5th we are so excited for Cinqe Terre. I can`t believe our trip is halfway over... it is just flying by.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Rainy Munich!

Hello from Munich! A lot has happened since my last posting. We left Vienna (where we both want to return) and traveled to Halstatt, the most beautiful small town I have ever been to. It was so relaxing and quiet after a couple big cities. We stayed at a really cute Zimmer (or guesthouse) where we got to have breakfast every morning with a man wearing Lederhosen and playing Austrian music. It was quiet and our room had a balcony right on the lake. We got to do a wonderful hike up the the salt mine, which Halstatt is famous for. We enjoyed sitting on our balcany, breathing in the fresh Alpine air, and watching the swans swim by in the lake. Unfortunately this is where the weather turned downhill. It has rained everyday since we left Halstatt and trraveled to Salzberg. Salzberg was still beautiful, however. We did the Sound of Music tour where we hopped up the Do Ray Mi steps, danced across the fountain, and leaped arond the famous I am 16 Going on 17 gazeebo. We were in a minibus which was a great way to keep warm and dry. We still managed to see almost everything we wanted to though. Just some of the great views were a little grayer than we would have liked. We stayed at anohter reallly cute guesthouse just outside the city complete with farm fresh breakfast. (The family even had their own tractor). Rick Steves has not led us astray yet! Now we are in Munich and spent most of the day exploring the city and keeping dry in the beer halls. We both love Munich already and can't wait to see what this beautiful city has to offer.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Vienna... Wein

We arrived in Vienna by train last night after a 5 hour train ride. After a day exploring I already love Austria more than Prage. It is beautiful. We explored the Opera today and found out a lot about the Habsburg family. We toured thweir royal palace and their crypts. We hiked up the 325 stairs to the highest tower of St. Stephens cathedral and ate the most amazing chocolate cake at the world famous Sache Hotel Cafe. We are having so much fun and are now getting ready to head off to the suburbs of the cvity to the Wine district. We are going to have dinner and drinks at Vienese Wine Gardens. We are taking lots of pictures and I am even starting to get Lindsay up to speed on how to use her camera. We got to talk to mom and dad last night for a short time which was really great. Next we have to figure out where Lindsay can buy some Leiderhosen!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Czech out Prague!

So I know the title of this is cheesey, but I just had to. Don't worry... I won't be buying one of the Czech me out t-shirts. So, eurotrip 2009 has officially begun! Just finishede our second full day in Prague and we are exhausted. Lindsay and I met up in the prague airport on Sunday night with out any problems. We then draged our tired bodies to our hostel and crashed after a traditional Czech dinner filed with lots of meat and dumplings. Monday morning we woke up to find our 12 bedroom hostel room filled with all boys and us. Definately different than living in a sorrority! We saw the Charles Bridge, the Prague Castles, Old Town Square, and the Little Quarter. Prague is such a beautiful city and so refreshing after the past few days in Athens. The night ended with a stop at the beer gardens and we also made friends with some people in the bar at our hostel where we played some American drinking games. Today we explored the Jewish Quarter and learned a lot about Prague's history. We also went to the Czech Cubist Museum whic was a highlight of the day.We walked around new Prague and did a littke window shopping on high street. We had a wonderful dinner and then went to a Black Light Theatre show. That was a one of a kind experience to say the least. We lovePrague and will do a little more sightseeing before heading to Vienna tomorrow!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Time with the Rents

So I apologize for the lack of entries.  Internet access has been sparse and we have been busy being hte  ultimate tourists.  The past week was spent in Santorini, Crete, and now Athens.  Everything has gone splendidly well and all the reservations and accomodations have been flawless (well almost).  Our only hiccup was arriving in Santorini at midnight and getting to our hotel with no one there.  Luckily mom and dad thought it wise to keep my Greek cell phone and we were able to reach hotel staff and get let into our room.  We spent one day in Santorini walking from Thira to Oia (6 miles) along the rim of the volcano and had breath-taking views followed by a gorgeous sunset.  The nest day we explored another part of the island (well mainly the black sand beach).  Santorini had a lot more to offer than I thought after my previous visit.  That afternoon we took a hight speed ferry to Crete.  Why haven't I been traveling high speed this whole time! It was amazingly fast, almost like a train.  It was a perfect way for me to end my time ferries (I've been on approximately 17 ferries since March).  Crete was my favorite island with my parents.  We sent a day exploring (and driving to) Chania.  This was a very cute little city on the water that reminded me of Venice without the canals. Dad had one of the best meals of his time here there at breakfast (a 2 pound omelet) and was full for the rest of the day.  We spent the rest of our time in Crete split between the beach and ruins like the Palace of Knossos.  We also got a chance to see Alounda, a town that we all agreed we would like to stay in next time if we stayed in Crete for longer.  Our accommodations in Crete were the most interesting. We are now really appreciating the Marriot here in Athens.  In particular I am enjoying it and Starbucks as a little taste of home before I begin my hostel tour of central Europe.  Athens has been fun but hot and we definitely have gotten our fill of ruins.  Mom is in love with the Parthenon and we enjoy going to the roof at night to see it lit up.

Friday, June 5, 2009

From the Blue Star 2

I am writing this latest entry while on the the Blue Star Ferry from Rodos to Santorini.  I said a tearful goodbye to Paros on June 1 and have spent the last 4 days in Rhodes with my parents.  Everything has gone very well.  Our resort was beautiful, and nestled above a beautiful swimming bay where we enjoyed the Aegean Sea daily.  We rented a car and got to see most of the island... even the dirt back-country roads (on accident).  We explored the LIndos Acropolis, various ancient castles, and the old town in the city of Rodos.  We also caught some rays on some outstanding beaches.  Now a 7 hour ferry ride to Santorini for the 2 days.  I am excited to see a different side of Santorini with my parents.  I absolutely love traveling with my parents (they spoil me after I have been traveling on a student budget) but, I cant wait for Lindsay to meet me in Prague in only a week!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Safe Arrival

So just a quick update for the family members.  My parents arrived here last night after roughly 30 hours of travel exhausted but excited.  After a nice dinner at one of my favorite local Greek restaurants (where Marios the owner greeted them with a shot Ouzo) they hit the hay.  We will  most likely be on the beach today and then we have my art show tonight.  I am so excited for the next 2 weeks with them, but I can't believe these are my last few days on Paros!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Loose Ends

So I can't believe how fast this semester has flown by!  My parents get here in 10 days to see the final art show and then to help me move out of Paros and begin my real travels.  It seems like only a few weeks ago were my first on Paros.  I thought I'd give everyone an itinerary of where I'll be once my program ends because my I will only have sporadic access to the internet once I leave.  

May 29- June 1 my parents arrive here for  the end of my program
June 1 -5 Rhodos
June 5-7  Snatorini
June 7 -10 travel to Crete (Heraklion)
June 10-14 Fly back to Athens to explore the mainland for a few days
June 14 parents fly home and I fly to Prague where I meet my sister Lindsay
June 14-17 Prague, Czech Republic
June 17-20 VIenna, Austria
June 20-22 Hallstatt, Austria
June 22-24 Salzburg, Austria
June 24-27 Munich, Germany
June 27-28 Rothenburg, Germany
June 28-July 1 Bavaria/Tirol (FUSSEN, GERMANY & REUTTE, AUSTRIA)
July 1-4 Berner Oberland, Switzerland (staying in Muren)
July 4-5 Interlacken/Lauterbrun Valley
July 5-8 Cinque Terre, Italy
July 8-13 French Riviera (NICE, MONACO, ANTIBES, ST. TROPEZ, CANNES)
July 12-17 Paris, France

I will be back in the States on July 17 completely exhausted.

Monday, May 11, 2009


This past weekend I spent 3 days and 2 nights on the beautiful Santorini.  The 4 hour boat trip there went by quickly because it was supplemented with a few bottles of champagne for mimosas.  Once the boat pulled up to the port I could see why everyone talks about Santorini.  The way everything is built on the rim if the volcano is mind boggling.  The first night there was very exciting.  Our group was excited to test out the night life on the tourist trap of an island, and it provided a great time.  It was fun to experience a place with so many people after sleepy Paros.  We took a boat tour on Saturday to the caldera and walked around, it was so much bigger than I had expected.  We also went to the hot springs and another small island off the main part of the island.  The boat then let us of in Oia, the other city.  I enjoyed Oia much more as it is a smaller city, and a little less hectic.  Along the coast about a 5 minute walk from the port is a beautiful little lagoon where an old church has broken away from the rim that provided cliff jumping.  The water was so beautiful, blue, and refreshing.  After left the grueling task of climbing the 280 stairs back up the rim to town.  It was exhausting!  I can't imagine having to make that trek everytime I wanted to leave the island.  Until recently, that donkey path was the only was on and off the island.  That night we had dinner in Oia where we watched the gorgeous sunset.  

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


This past weekend our program took a journey to our neighboring island, Antiparos.  I was BEAUTIFUL.  Though it is so close, it has an entirely different feel.  We got to see the uninhabited island of Despotico as well and some great ruins on it.  We walked through this amazing field of wildflowers and go to go swimming around the sea caves.  Also, for my historical sites class I gave a presentation with 2 others girls on the history and myths about this small island.  It consisted of a finger puppet show and a rap.  It was quite the presentation.

A Little Taste of Boulder

This past week Danielle and I hosted some visitors from another study abroad program In southern France (one that also goes to boulder).  We rented a car and discovered another beautiful beach on Paros, Santa Maria. The weather couldn't have been better.  I definitely got started on my tan finally.  I was so good to have a little taste of home, but it made me miss Boulder.    Paros is starting to pick up, everyday more and more tourists can be spotted around town.  I can't believe my program is almost done, I never want to leave!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Greek Orthodox Easter

After arriving back in Greece Good Friday, I hardly caught my breath before I was entangled in Easter festivities (hence the delay in blog postings).  The sleepy island town I left for Turkey has blossomed and exploded with crowds and sunlight.  Paros had awoken at last.  Don't get me wrong, it still does not compare to the Paros of high season, but the greek island vacation I was promised in the program brochure has finally arrived.  Easter in Greece is a much different experience than in the States.  Friday night I went to the Church of 100 Doors where I got to witness the magnificent decorations and later in the night the whole town was out for a candle lit procession.  Saturday was spent on the beach but at midnight I joined the rest of the island to bring in Easter amidst bells ringing, fireworks, kisses, and candles.  It was amazing to see everyone old and young out to celebrate Easter.  Although I followed that with sleep, the rest of the town began the eat-a-thon.  I delayed that ritual until the next day when my landlord had a beautiful lamb dinner on the roof of my apartment building.  The day then brought multiple parties where I got to witness a lamb on the spit as well as pork and rabbit.  The Greeks love their meat.

Monday, April 20, 2009


First I want to apologize for the lack of recent entries.  Things have been crazy around here, and I have a lot to update.  This past week I spent in Selcuk Turkey for spring break.  It was an amazing week.  Turkey is so different from Europe, it made me appreciate western culture and women's' rights.  It was also so beautiful. Rolling hills, views of the ocean, and gorgeous flowers were just some of the beauty I experienced.  Also, our group spent a day at the Pammukale calcium baths.  They are an entire mountain made of calcium that is stark white with natural pools that have formed in it that you explore in your bare feet.  It was a surreal experience to be swimming in a bathing  suit on this white mountain that looks like it is covered in snow, and then to have giant mountains in the background that have snow topped peaks.  Another day was spent in an old Greek village (remember the west coast of Turkey used to be Greece) called Sirince where we spent an afternoon wine tasting and getting to know the locals.  They specialize in delicious fruit wines.  Another highlight was Ephesus.  It is an ancient site 6km inland that used to be  a port town when the sea level was higher.  It featured some of the most amazing ruins that I have ever seen.  The entire town is massive and they have only excavated a small portion of it.  It featured a marvelous amphitheater that was so perfectly constructed that you can hear a coin drop at the floor in the highest seat (and it holds over 25,000 people) and a beautiful three story library.  In Selcuk we got to experience the local bazar.  Full of spices, teas, pashminas, clothing, and every imaginable fruit/vegetable it was a sight.  It was so cool to see the whole town out for it.  I of course spent a good amount of time shopping.  The exchange was was too good to pass up after dealing with the euro for so long.  Many nights were spent drinking tea, smoking hookah, and learning to play backgammon in the rug shops.  As much fun as I had, it is good to be in Greece again.  Paros is really starting to fee like home. 

Monday, April 6, 2009

Monday, March 30, 2009


I had the pleasure this past week of having my best friend from home Amanda come visit me. The week flew by, I didn't even have time to post any pictures or write for the past week.  We rented a car and toured the island one day and we went for a long hike with my program saturday as well.   It was so good o have her here and have a taste of home.  Iwas sad to see the week fly by so quickly.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


For one of my classes I was assigned to visit the Church of 100 doors and reflect on my experience there.  Bellow are my initial reactions taken while at the church that better explains this magnificent space than I could retell.  The Church of 100 Doors is the oldest on Paros and has a lot of myths that accompany its creation.

" Walking into the courtyard, before even entering the church is awe-inspiring.  The beautiful garden envelopes my senses with brilliants colors and foliage.  It gives me a sense of the churches hospitality and open mindedness.  It is like even though I am not Greek Orthodox, the space here is open for all types of believers.  It is Sunday and once inside, the church is a party (even though there is a service going on).   Children scampering in and out of the exit are filled with impatience while blind to the disapproving looks of their parents.  My ears are then greeted with the sounds of prayer bellowing down the aisle and through the apse and nave.  Everyone around me is dressed in their Sunday best, a symbol I take to mark their reverence for both God and their neighbor.  Although I can’t understand the service, I can feel it.  There is both worship and enjoyment in the faces of those around me.  After the last versus are sung the service lets out and I am surrounded by Greek words of greeting and kisses because everyone seems to know one another.  The demure demeanor some kids managed to hold through the mass begins to slip away, and I can see their eyes plead with their mothers to let them run around again.  I sit removed from the bustling crowd exiting and I start to feel as if I am interrupting something.  I’m sure some of them are wondering what two American girls watching and writing are doing.  If I ever wondered where the Greeks are on Sunday’s, my answer is clear.  Here at the church of 100 doors the old and young converge, a community united for the purpose of prayer."

Friday, March 20, 2009


Today my historical sites class went on the most amazing hike on Paros.  We climbed up the mountain to the site of the Paroikian  Acropolis.  After we followed the coast on the Western tip of the island up to a meadow were we munched on our sack lunches.  We then continued along the coast to an old lighthouse on the point and then finally back to an old monastery were we climbed on the roof for another wonderful site.  I honestly cannot express how beautiful this all was, and the pictures wont do it justice.  This all took about 5 hours and I am now energized and exhilarated despite being tired from the workout.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


For my photography class we had to do a triptych exploring exposure, shooting images that are under exposed, over exposed, and are balanced.  Here is a little sample of what I turned in (by popular demand).  I also had to explore depth of field (as evidenced by the first triptych).  Clearly I'm at the beginning of my digital photo education, and I hope my work gets better as I learn here.

Monday, March 16, 2009


I just had to post this picture of the best sunset i have seen since I arrived on Paros.  This was taken from the Barry's (the director of my program) house in the mountains where we had a group BBQ Saturday.  I hear the sunsets only get better and better, I can't imagine anything more beautiful than this.  My camera struggled to capture all the marvelous colors, and  still it failed to capture the brilliance of the reds, oranges, and yellows.