Thursday, June 18, 2009

Vienna... Wein

We arrived in Vienna by train last night after a 5 hour train ride. After a day exploring I already love Austria more than Prage. It is beautiful. We explored the Opera today and found out a lot about the Habsburg family. We toured thweir royal palace and their crypts. We hiked up the 325 stairs to the highest tower of St. Stephens cathedral and ate the most amazing chocolate cake at the world famous Sache Hotel Cafe. We are having so much fun and are now getting ready to head off to the suburbs of the cvity to the Wine district. We are going to have dinner and drinks at Vienese Wine Gardens. We are taking lots of pictures and I am even starting to get Lindsay up to speed on how to use her camera. We got to talk to mom and dad last night for a short time which was really great. Next we have to figure out where Lindsay can buy some Leiderhosen!

1 comment:

  1. I'd pay to see a picture of Lindsay wearing Lederhosen......that would be a memorable one!!!! Enjoy yourselves and the travels, sightseeing and friends you make along the way!!! Yamas!--Love M&D
