Wednesday, February 25, 2009

meric beaucoup!

Another few days have flown by and I can't believe my time in Paris is over.  Tomorrow morning we leave for Amsterdam where Danielle and I will meet up with our friends, Ilyse, Gaby, Ali, and Diana.  Some of the highlights of Paris have included the Eifle tower, Seine river cruise, and the Orsay Museum.  I have taken over 250 pictures and I can't even get my head around all that I've seen.  I have tried to pretend that jetlag doesn't exist for the past few days and it is starting to catch up with me, I am wiped out.  It seems now that I finally have gotten the hang of the underground, a bit of the language, and the city its time to leave.  It does make me excited to com back to Paris in the summer when it is warmer and a little greener.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Lauren, it's Zein..How are you? I saw your dad at the gym today and he emailed me your blog, it's awesome!! Love it, totally!! You look fantastic and the pictures capture the moment! My sisters were in Paris for 2 weeks last summer and they also fell in love with it! I can good luck on your new endevour and we're so proud of you! Stay safe and the girls say hi! We'll keep checking on your through your blog..take care..Zein.
