Monday, February 23, 2009

J'aime Paris

Bonjour!  Just spent my first day in Paris and I am exhausted but I had the time of my life.  I finally met up with Danielle (she missed her flight the previous day) and we had so much fun together, it was quite the reunion.  We spent most the day walking the city ad the maze-like building of the Louvre. I am seriously falling in love with this city, I can see why everyone always speaks so highly of Paris.  I took over a hundred pictures already.  We strolled down the Champs Elyseus and took in the Arch de Triumph.  Also, we went to the Orangerie Museum to experience some Monet, Matisse, and Cezanne.  We are so tired now, after walking all day long.  Can't wait to continue tomorrow! 


  1. Bonsoir--You look great and must have had a thrilling day. Keep it up....walking all the way down the des Champs-Elysees to the Arc de Triomphe is a very long walk.....with lot's of designer shops along the way to tempt, how many croissants did you grab along the way....they are sooooooo goooooood!!! Glad Danielle arrived safely and you have someone to pal around with!!! Enjoy the Museum tour--keep the pictures coming. Bonne Nuit!

  2. oh my goodness ! i seriously am almost in tears at just the thought of the wonderful adventures you are having in that city (sadly, i am not kidding!) way to be adventurous, and cultured, and amazing. i am so proud =) I canNOT wait to see you in about twenty five days! love you lots

  3. ahhhhhhhh lo this looks AWESOME already!!! im SO SO excited for you and it looks like you are having the time of your life already :) I can totally picture you in paris right now, walking around with a stick of bread, in your cute boots and adorable scarf, in your new balance walking shoes.. I LOVE YOU!!! xoxo
