Saturday, February 28, 2009

greece here I come...

No time for an update on Amsterdam, that will have to come later.  As I write, I am waiting for my airport shuttle to start of my last trip to Athens.  I will be on the mainland for a few days and then finally go to the island, Paros were I will study.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


We took a train today to Amsterdam and met up with three of our friends from Chi O, Ali, Gabby, and Ilyse. We explored some of the city and had an amazing dinner at a Thai restaurant. Amsterdam is super cute and a very charming city. Tomorrow two more girl Caily and Casey are meeting us here. We plan on going to the Van Goug museum and the Heinekin factory. We are here until Saturday when we take hte train back to Paris to then catch a plane Sunday morning to Athens. I am loving all this travel, but I really can´t wait to get to Greece and settle down without living out of a suitcase. Well it´s almost 230AM here so I am super tired and ready for bed.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

meric beaucoup!

Another few days have flown by and I can't believe my time in Paris is over.  Tomorrow morning we leave for Amsterdam where Danielle and I will meet up with our friends, Ilyse, Gaby, Ali, and Diana.  Some of the highlights of Paris have included the Eifle tower, Seine river cruise, and the Orsay Museum.  I have taken over 250 pictures and I can't even get my head around all that I've seen.  I have tried to pretend that jetlag doesn't exist for the past few days and it is starting to catch up with me, I am wiped out.  It seems now that I finally have gotten the hang of the underground, a bit of the language, and the city its time to leave.  It does make me excited to com back to Paris in the summer when it is warmer and a little greener.

Monday, February 23, 2009

J'aime Paris

Bonjour!  Just spent my first day in Paris and I am exhausted but I had the time of my life.  I finally met up with Danielle (she missed her flight the previous day) and we had so much fun together, it was quite the reunion.  We spent most the day walking the city ad the maze-like building of the Louvre. I am seriously falling in love with this city, I can see why everyone always speaks so highly of Paris.  I took over a hundred pictures already.  We strolled down the Champs Elyseus and took in the Arch de Triumph.  Also, we went to the Orangerie Museum to experience some Monet, Matisse, and Cezanne.  We are so tired now, after walking all day long.  Can't wait to continue tomorrow! 

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Euro Trip 2009 has begun!

After a very long flight, I have finally made it to Paris.  Luckily my hotel in Paris has free internet so I will soon be able to chat with my parents via skype. The hotel Relais du Pre is super nice.  The staff is super friendly and as I sit in the lobby the front desk monseur  just brought me croissants and jam... "enough for the day."  The hotel is one of 3 they have all on the block and as I was warmly greeted they said, "when you are here, you home!"  All that's left for today is some people watching, exploring, and  then meeting up with Danielle! 

Friday, February 20, 2009

Ready to leave!

It is the eve of my departure and I can hardly contain my excitement. My next entry will be from Paris!

Monday, February 9, 2009


The program I am going through is called HISA which stands for Hellenic International Studies in the Arts. Here is there website: It is located on the island Paros and just outside the city Paroikia. I will be taking a variety of courses including digital photography, studio for interrelated media, literature, and Historical sites. The website explains about my program.

counting down the days

Welcome to my blog! Hopefully this will help my friends and family stay in touuch with me as I travel and study abroad over the next few months. I will be posting pictures and stories of my experiences in Greece over the next few months. 12 days until Paris...